Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Maven maven-antrun-plugin run executions in various phases

Maven maven-antrun-plugin run executions in various phases.
This is an example of that:

                    <echo message="%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"/>
                    <echo message="run - generate-test-resources"/>
                    <echo message="%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"/>
                    <echo message="%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"/>
                    <echo message="run - generate-resources"/>
                    <echo message="%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"/>
                    <echo message="%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"/>
                    <echo message="process-test-classes"/>
                    <echo message="%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"/>
                    <echo message="%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"/>
                    <echo message="DOES NOT RUN ! test"/>
                    <echo message="%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"/>

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Disable Windows Maintenance on in a VM

Seems like it isn't worth it to let Windows do Maintenance on in a VM.
Turn it off like this:

Start -> Task Scheduler
Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Task Scheduler

Turn it off in 2 places:

Regular Maintenance -> Context Menu -> Disable
Idle Maintenance -> Context Menu -> Disable

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Postgres getting the description of a table, specifically column names

Do this:

SELECT column_name, data_type FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = 'table_name_goes_here';